IAB condemns disappearances and arbitrary detentions in Venezuela

The International Association of Broadcasting, IAB, which represents more than 17,000 radio and television stations in the three Americas, strongly condemns the arbitrary detention and disappearance of journalist Carlos Correa by Venezuelan security forces.

Carlos Correa is director of the NGO “Espacio Público”, a promoter of freedom of expression, and former general coordinator of “Provea”, one of the most prominent organizations in the defense of human rights in Venezuela.

The situation of this journalist adds to the innumerable list of missing persons and arbitrary arrests carried out, without due legal process, by the questioned government of Nicolás Maduro since the elections of last July 28.

IAB demands the prompt release of the journalist and urges the entire international community to immediately and forcefully condemn the situation in Venezuela and to promptly restore full respect for human rights in that country.